Friday, November 27, 2009


As of the last post, I figured out a lot of things about navigating the interface (is that the appropriate word??). The way I figured out is looking at other blogs and trying to match what I saw by exploring and trying new things. Everything requires time! I have to be more patient. I recently read Outliers by Maxwell Gladwell, and he discussed the fact that what separates people who are "genius" with others isn't necessarily that those people are born exceptional. Many outside factors influence them from when and where they are born to their family circumstances. The other important factor was TIME. The successful people practiced their craft A LOT. The other factor discussed was persistence. The difference between successful people and 'unsuccessful' people was the fact that they kept trying and trying, going past their struggles rather than giving up. By the time you solve the problem, you have given it a lot of thought and learned a lot in the process.

This has been the theme of the semester, and the time span of my adventures in NY. Pushing past the struggle: finding the positive from the negative. It has been quite a learning experience.

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