Friday, November 27, 2009


Blogging makes me anxious.

I think it's funny that we are assigned to post our own and comment on our colleagues' blogs, but on the other hand I would not be so inclined to post at all. There is something frustrating about the blogging experience. Perhaps it's the fact that whatever you post has the possibility of being read by millions of people leaving you completely exposed, open for criticism and scrutiny. Also, my recurring mental block makes it hard to find the right words to write.

I am unfamiliar with navigating the interface. I do not find it particularly user-friendly. It reminds me of a recurring dream where I need to dial an emergency number and every time I try to dial it something malfunctions on my phone and I cannot dial it successfully. It is the same with blogging right now. I do not understand why I click on something and it does not send me to where I want it to go!!!

Despite my adverse feelings about blogging because of my neophyte stage, I am glad that we are "forced" to have a blog as part of Tech Resources. I have been meaning to write a blog for a while, but I did not know how to start. Adding on to the Blackboard post, I think that implementing a Blog in some fashion would be useful for teachers for their classes. I am also thankful that I found the 'edit' option, so it's not that scary =)

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