Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I was having a lot of problems getting my movie and music to play as soon as the page went up (I wrote the code so that the music would play instantly). It was very frustrating because I did not understand what the problem was. The music would play as a download when you clicked on the link. The movie would play from the Youtube site that I embedded into the page. But both pages would not adhere to the code that I had written or the pages.

As per our blog suggested assignment for this week, which was to see how other browsers display the webpages, I went on Internet Explorer (I had been using Firefox) to view my webpage. Lo and behold, the music started playing right away, which is how I had written the code for the page. However, the marquee code that I used made the whole page scroll. It turns out that Firefox forgave the fact that I did not close the code but IE did not. So I fixed it. The movie showed up and could be played as well! Which was exciting news because it could actually work. However, it's a bit disturbing because there isn't a consistency. But this is a great lesson to learn and to be aware to check how your website opens with various browsers.

I went on Safari and the music page worked, same as with IE, but the video could not play because it did not have the appropriate plug-ins!

There is so much to consider when making a website!! Not only does the code have to be written with no errors, but even when the code is written right, then one must make sure that the different browser options present the page in the way it was meant to be seen. This has been a good lesson!

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